Nebraska Soybean Board
Top Things for Farmers to Know About Checkoff Dollars Invested in Research
- Production research provides up-to-date soybean management information that growers can use to optimize profitability via resource-efficient increases in sustainable crop productivity.
- Return on investment since 1991 for soybean checkoff-funded research is $12.34 per dollar invested
- Soybean breeding and genetics for improved yield, immune systems, and seed protein
- Enhancing soybean germplasm through biotechnology
- Assessing management options to enhance seed protein
- Optimize annual on-farm yield improvements from 0.5 to 1.0 bushels/acre a year
- Stop the decline in seed protein that accompanies the rise in soybean yield
- Continue the focus on genetic, chemical and organic control of insects, diseases and weeds
- Using soybean oil as a sustainable recycling agent to enhance asphalt pavements
- Effects of growth conditions on the anti-inflammatory bioactivity of the soybean sprout
- Rapid diagnosis for fungicide-resistant frogeye leaf spot
One of Our Biggest Success Stories as a Result of Research
Nebraska’s soybean breeders continue their impactful work to improve soybean quality and productivity. The scientists working in soybean breeding and genetics are exploring numerous areas including: stem borer resistance, improved oil content, water use efficacy, boosting carbon capture during seed development, and more.
- Soybean breeding and genetics for improved yield, immune systems, and seed protein
- Enhancing soybean germplasm through biotechnology
- Assessing management options to enhance seed protein
- Optimize annual on-farm yield improvements from 0.5 to 1.0 bushels/acre a year
- Stop the decline in seed protein that accompanies the rise in soybean yield
- Continue the focus on genetic, chemical and organic control of insects, diseases and weeds
- Using soybean oil as a sustainable recycling agent to enhance asphalt pavements
- Effects of growth conditions on the anti-inflammatory bioactivity of the soybean sprout
- Rapid diagnosis for fungicide-resistant frogeye leaf spot
One of Our Biggest Success Stories as a Result of Research
Nebraska’s soybean breeders continue their impactful work to improve soybean quality and productivity. The scientists working in soybean breeding and genetics are exploring numerous areas including: stem borer resistance, improved oil content, water use efficacy, boosting carbon capture during seed development, and more.