State Information

Science For Success

The Science for Success partnership brings together 26 Extension specialists from land-grant institutions across the country, representing more than 90% of US soybean acres. These specialists contribute their own state-gleaned knowledge and research results to the program. As demands of the soybean industry change, the Science for Success team collaboratively uses proven research combined with historic results to adapt Best Management Practices (BMPs) to future challenges.

Research Highlights
Resource Library
Blog Articles
Highlight Dated: 07/01/2024
Posted on: 07/01/2024
Highlight Dated: 02/04/2024
Posted on: 02/04/2024

There are currently no Resources for Science For Success.

There are currently no Blog Articles for Science For Success.

Highlight Dated: 07/01/2024
Posted on: 07/01/2024
Highlight Dated: 02/04/2024
Posted on: 02/04/2024

There are currently no Resources for Science For Success.

There are currently no Blog Articles for Science For Success.