Top Things for Farmers to Know About Checkoff Dollars Invested in Research
The Delaware Soybean Board funds soybean research to support the viability and profitability of soybean farmers in Delaware. Research objectives include increasing average soybean yield, providing information to manage weed and pest threats to the soybean crop, and delivering information to allow Delaware soybean farmers to continue to be good stewards of the land.
- Plant Nutrition
- Weed Control
- Insect and Disease Control
- Increase Yield
- Best Production Practices
- New Technology Adoption
- Pest Control
- Evaluating Earlier Planting Dates for Increased Soybean Yield
- Can Slug Egg Hatch be Predicted?
- Approaches for Palmer Amaranth Control
- Reducing Deer Damage to Soybeans Using Forage Soybean as Biological Fencing
One of Our Biggest Success Stories as a Result of Research
A project building from cover crop and herbicide application research is exploring management strategies to improve control of tough weeds, including Palmer amaranth and glyphosate-resistant horseweed. Cover crops help reduce nutrient loss, and termination timing research will equip them to maximize the weed control value of cover crops at the same time.
- Plant Nutrition
- Weed Control
- Insect and Disease Control
- Increase Yield
- Best Production Practices
- New Technology Adoption
- Pest Control
- Evaluating Earlier Planting Dates for Increased Soybean Yield
- Can Slug Egg Hatch be Predicted?
- Approaches for Palmer Amaranth Control
- Reducing Deer Damage to Soybeans Using Forage Soybean as Biological Fencing
One of Our Biggest Success Stories as a Result of Research
A project building from cover crop and herbicide application research is exploring management strategies to improve control of tough weeds, including Palmer amaranth and glyphosate-resistant horseweed. Cover crops help reduce nutrient loss, and termination timing research will equip them to maximize the weed control value of cover crops at the same time.