Database Research Summaries
2018 Impact of Dicamba Drift on Non-Dicamba Soybeans

calendar_today Year of Research: 2018
update Posted On: 12/04/2019
group Stevan Knezevic (Principal Investigator)
bookmark Nebraska Soybean Board

Research Focus

The focus of this project is to establish baseline data on potential injury of non-DT sensitive soybean by various rates micro-rates of Dicamba.


  • Establish baseline data on the injury of potentially sensitive crops (eg. non-DT soybeans) to six micro-rates of Dicamba herbicide (Xtendimax).
  • Collect photos of injury symptoms (time-lapse photography) in order to develop educational materials and power-point presentations that can be disseminated to farmers through traditional and web-based technologies.


  1. All non-DT soybeans showed equally high level of sensitivity to both ExendiMax and Engenia.
  2. Both products equally affected soybean growth and development including: plant height, number of branches, days to flowering, number of flowers, days to canopy cover, and days to maturity. Due to delayed harvest (rainy fall), we can not discuss the herbicide effects on soybean yields yet.


  • This project will directly show the level of soybean sensitivity to micro rates of Dicamba with potential effects on yields of non-DT soybeans.
  • This data will provide information needed for educational materials about the critical need for proper herbicide application procedures and sprayer cleaning in order to reduce dicamba’s off-target movement.
  • Results from this study will be helpful to Nebraska legislature and law makers develop possible guidelines related to distance needed between the DT soybean and neighboring sensitive crops or acreages.

For more information about this research project, please visit the National Soybean Checkoff Research Database.

Funded in part by the soybean checkoff.