North Dakota Soybean Council
Top Things for Farmers to Know About Checkoff Dollars Invested in Research
North Dakota Soybean Council (NDSC) addresses soybean production issues through research investments to bring short-term and long-term value to North Dakota soybean farmers. The NDSC also invests in Soybean New Uses Research to increase the demand for Soybeans. Our mission is to strategically invest research dollars to secure a more profitable future for North Dakota soybean producers.
- Breeding for new and improved non-GMO and glyphosate-resistant cultivars
- Integrated pest management research to reduce the impact of diseases, insects and weeds on soybean yield and quality
- Increasing soybean resistance to diseases
- Reducing Iron-deficiency Chlorosis in soybeans
- Enhancing profitability of soybean production through soil health and cover crop research
- Control of SCN, white mold and sudden death syndrome
- Sustainable soybean production practices including cover crops
- Management of invasive and noxious herbicide-resistant weeds
- Management of soybean insects: soybean aphids, gall midge, and soybean leaf beetle and grasshopper
- Soybean harvest and storage management
- Exploring new uses for soybeans for new markets
- Application of beet lime to raise the pH in acidic soils
- A Tool for Cheap and Rapid Tracking of Soybean Inoculant Populations in Field Soil
- Increasing Awareness and Risk of Palmer Amaranth and Waterhemp in North Dakota
- Benefits of Soy-Based Amino Acids in Forage-Based Growing Diets
- New uses for soybeans including building materials, rubber and asphalt
- Soy Protein Isolate Based Electrolyte Gels for Anti-Freezing Flexible Zinc-Ion Batteries
- Design and Commercialization of High Value Functional Products from Soybean Meal
Sweet Success – One of the Biggest Success Stories in North Dakota as a Result of Research:
North Dakota is home to the SCN Coalition, the national organization working together to combat the soybean cyst nematode. Advancements on how to mitigate SCN have been made through this organization including state-specific recommendations. Plant breeders across the country are currently working on new cultivars with SCN resistance.
- Breeding for new and improved non-GMO and glyphosate-resistant cultivars
- Integrated pest management research to reduce the impact of diseases, insects and weeds on soybean yield and quality
- Increasing soybean resistance to diseases
- Reducing Iron-deficiency Chlorosis in soybeans
- Enhancing profitability of soybean production through soil health and cover crop research
- Control of SCN, white mold and sudden death syndrome
- Sustainable soybean production practices including cover crops
- Management of invasive and noxious herbicide-resistant weeds
- Management of soybean insects: soybean aphids, gall midge, and soybean leaf beetle and grasshopper
- Soybean harvest and storage management
- Exploring new uses for soybeans for new markets
- Application of beet lime to raise the pH in acidic soils
- A Tool for Cheap and Rapid Tracking of Soybean Inoculant Populations in Field Soil
- Increasing Awareness and Risk of Palmer Amaranth and Waterhemp in North Dakota
- Benefits of Soy-Based Amino Acids in Forage-Based Growing Diets
- New uses for soybeans including building materials, rubber and asphalt
- Soy Protein Isolate Based Electrolyte Gels for Anti-Freezing Flexible Zinc-Ion Batteries
- Design and Commercialization of High Value Functional Products from Soybean Meal
Sweet Success – One of the Biggest Success Stories in North Dakota as a Result of Research:
North Dakota is home to the SCN Coalition, the national organization working together to combat the soybean cyst nematode. Advancements on how to mitigate SCN have been made through this organization including state-specific recommendations. Plant breeders across the country are currently working on new cultivars with SCN resistance.