Database Research Summaries
2018 Soybean Soil Fertility in North Central and Northwest North Dakota

calendar_today Year of Research: 2018
update Posted On: 12/04/2019
group David Franzen (Principal Investigator, North Dakota State University)
bookmark North Dakota Soybean Council

Research Focus

The focus of this project is to determine soil fertility responses to starter fertilizer and amendments including sugar beet waste lime in increasing soybean yield.


  • Determine major nutrient requirements of soybean in north central and northwest
    North Dakota.
  • Determine response of soybean to sugar beet waste lime for pH improvement in acid
    soils of north central North Dakota.
  • Determine the starter fertilizer response of soybean in north central and northwest
    North Dakota.
  • Determine the foliar fertilizer response of soybean in northwest North Dakota.


  1. A fertilizer amendment study was conducted near Riverdale and Columbus North Dakota to determine whether current soybean fertility recommendations are appropriate for North Central and North West North Dakota farmers.
  2. In-furrow fertilizer treatments, broadcast fertilizer treatments and foliar treatments were included, along with a side-bar treatment of cobalt as a first look at that element that is not required for soybean growth but is required for N-fixing bacteria.
  3. There were no differences between treatments at either site this year from the check yield. Neither were there any differences between treatments with oil percentage or protein percentage in the seed.


  • This research will provide confidence to soybean growers in those regions that practices offered as nutrient and soil amendment options are valid and cost-effective.
  • The results of the research will provide information that will increase soybean grower profitability in the region. The results will also help determine the nutrient requirements of soybeans grown in NC and NW North Dakota and the need and response of soybean to pH amendments in acid soils.

For more information about this research project, please visit the National Soybean Checkoff Research Database.

Funded in part by the soybean checkoff.