Kentucky Soybean Board
Top Things for Farmers to Know About Checkoff Dollars Invested in Research
The Kentucky Soybean Promotion Board believes research is the key to success in supporting the state’s farmers. We work closely with researchers at Kentucky colleges and universities to get local, applicable results to challenging issues. The research projects in which we invest checkoff dollars aim to increase profitability and sustainability.
- Water Quality
- Disease and Pest Management
- Soil Fertility and Health
- Soybean Variety Trials
Projects funded:
- Studying the Management & Impact of the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB)
- Evaluation of Soybean Cultivar Performance in Kentucky
- Blue Water Farms: Edge of Field Monitoring
- Waterhemp Control in Early Planted Soybean
- Does Soil Compaction Limit Soybean Yield?
- Distribution & Management of Red Crown Rot
- Yield & ROI on Biological Seed Treatments
- Study on Molluscicides, Potash, Slug Management
- Evaluating ROI of Disease Management Practices
- Soybean Cyst Nematode Testing
- Evaluating the Quality of Kentucky Soybean Meal
- Soy-Based Carbon as Electrodes in Supercapacitors
- Soybean Adhesives for Hemp-Based Products
- Communicate Research Results to Producers in Ways They Can be Applied
- Continue to Produce Soybeans in an Environmentally Sound and Sustainable Manner
- Blue Water Farms Edge of Field Monitoring in Kentucky Soils
- Use of Plant Growth-Promoting Microbes and Novel Chemicals to Improve Yield and Stress Tolerance
“While it’s important to continue to do research on our own farms, we realize that we can’t do it all. That’s why we must continue to invest checkoff dollars to support research efforts to help us make critical decisions.”
— Adam Hendricks, soybean farmer from Auburn, Kentucky
- Water Quality
- Disease and Pest Management
- Soil Fertility and Health
- Soybean Variety Trials
Projects funded:
- Studying the Management & Impact of the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB)
- Evaluation of Soybean Cultivar Performance in Kentucky
- Blue Water Farms: Edge of Field Monitoring
- Waterhemp Control in Early Planted Soybean
- Does Soil Compaction Limit Soybean Yield?
- Distribution & Management of Red Crown Rot
- Yield & ROI on Biological Seed Treatments
- Study on Molluscicides, Potash, Slug Management
- Evaluating ROI of Disease Management Practices
- Soybean Cyst Nematode Testing
- Evaluating the Quality of Kentucky Soybean Meal
- Soy-Based Carbon as Electrodes in Supercapacitors
- Soybean Adhesives for Hemp-Based Products
- Communicate Research Results to Producers in Ways They Can be Applied
- Continue to Produce Soybeans in an Environmentally Sound and Sustainable Manner
- Blue Water Farms Edge of Field Monitoring in Kentucky Soils
- Use of Plant Growth-Promoting Microbes and Novel Chemicals to Improve Yield and Stress Tolerance
“While it’s important to continue to do research on our own farms, we realize that we can’t do it all. That’s why we must continue to invest checkoff dollars to support research efforts to help us make critical decisions.”
— Adam Hendricks, soybean farmer from Auburn, Kentucky