

Nematode Management

Mar 2023

Plant parasitic nematodes like soybean cyst nematode, root-knot nematode and other species, lurk in soybean fields throughout the country. These microscopic pests live in the soil and reduce soybean yields by feeding on plant roots. For decades, the soy checkoff has been funding research to uncover genetic resistance, nematicides, management practices and other ways farmers can fight them. Learn more about checkoff-funded research, resources and tools that support effective nematode management to protect soybean yield.

#SoySnippets Q&A
How Are You Addressing Nematode Pressure?

Nematode species, including soybean cyst nematode, or SCN, infest fields and reduce soybean yields. Farmers, researchers and other members of the soybean industry explain management practices and research to address this challenge. Join the conversation on Twitter, Facebook or YouTube.