Research Highlights

Research Highlights
Collaborating for Growth: Think Tank Brings Together All Facets of Soybean Industry

Iowa farmer Brent Swart (left) and Jim Narvel, a researcher at Bayer, discuss one of the topics of the day at the 2022 Think Tank held this summer in Indianapolis. Attendees discussed and recorded priorities after each expert presentation over the two-day event.

By Bethany Baratta 

Soybean farmers know that one constant in agriculture is change. Change in the customers’ needs and what’s needed on the farm to drive production and profitability is guaranteed. 

In 2021, staff from various state soybean organizations started thinking together about how to make the most out of these changes. 

Katherine Drake Stowe, then the research coordinator for the North Carolina Soybean Producers Association, teamed up with Ed Anderson, senior director of research for the Iowa Soybean Association’s Research Center for Farming Innovation, and other state soybean research staff. 

“We wanted to start thinking about how we in the soybean research community can help farmers thrive in the face of these new challenges and opportunities,” says Stowe. 

Thus, the Soybean Research Forum and Think Tank was born. Participants, including researchers, farmers, and industry partners, considered how the research community could drive the industry forward and help soybean growers overcome these challenges. 

Those in attendance identified “grand challenges” that farmers face, including technology and data; climate, carbon, and ecosystems marketplaces; and uses for soybean oil. Researchers also expressed a desire to be more connected to the entire value chain.

Katherine Drake Stowe leads the U.S. Soybean Research Collaborative (USSRC) at the second annual Soybean Research Forum and Think Tank, held this summer in Indianapolis. Researchers, farmers and industry partners met to discuss soybean research direction and its impact on the industry. Photos: Carol Brown

“They wanted to better understand how what they’re doing in the field impacts farmers’ access to markets,” Stowe says. 

Finally, researchers asserted that greater collaboration across entities and disciplines would benefit soybean farmers.  

“They said we needed a better understanding of who was doing what, and where there were gaps and opportunities to leverage current resources to fill those holes,” Stowe says. 

Think Tank in Action

Not wanting to let the ideas generated during the meeting sit on a shelf, the researchers determined that establishing a specific project could help these ideas take flight.  

That’s where the U.S. Soybean Research Collaborative came into play. 

Led by Stowe, the U.S. Soybean Research Collaborative (USSRC) works to bring more collaboration and coordination to soybean checkoff research.  

“Our mission is to complement and extend the efforts of our existing organizations for more impactful discovery and development of soybeans,” she says. 

Soybean leaders in Iowa and Illinois provided initial funding to kickstart the USSRC. Four additional state checkoff partners—Ohio, North Dakota, South Dakota and North Carolina—are providing funding for FY23, and more are in the process of reviewing and acting on investment proposals. 

Stowe says the USSRC fosters a broad view across industry and the value chain for soybean research opportunities that move beyond traditional production research and bridge the gap between supply and demand. 

That’s what makes the U.S. Soybean Research Collaborative different.  

For the first time, the industry has one dedicated staff person, Stowe, to focus daily on how the soybean industry can improve collaboration and communication by fostering the sharing of knowledge and ideas throughout the value chain.  

Guiding the collaboration, Stowe cultivates these relationships by better understanding what checkoff groups, researchers and industry partners are doing. She contemplates how the industry can improve coordination by executing on common goals and a shared vision. USSRC provides the infrastructure for partners to work together on larger projects and grant applications.  

“To help farmers capitalize on new opportunities, we must think about soybean research differently,” Stowe says. “The soybean checkoff has had tremendous success over the last 30 years, but we’ve grabbed a lot of the low-hanging fruit. Growers’ questions today are much more complicated than they were 30 years ago. To answer those questions, it will take a coordinated team of experts from various disciplines, institutions and states.” 

Expanding Opportunities

The 2022 Think Tank event, hosted in Indianapolis this summer, involved various participants ranging from researchers to farmers and sustainability experts to food company executives. 

Guiding the event, Stowe challenged participants to think about soybean research and topics differently. This year’s Think Tank focused on four specific areas: aquaculture, renewable diesel, plant protein, and technology.  

“We wanted to look at topics that would help us bridge this supply and demand gap,” Stowe says.

This approach helps researchers better understand the entire value chain, a request stemming from last year’s event.  

Experts provided an overview and the needs of these four specific markets. After splitting into groups comprised of various interests and expertise, attendees discussed the opportunities and challenges of each market, and how those in the soy value chain have a role to play. 

“There were a lot of ideas in the room from a diverse group of folks: farmers, researchers, industry and university collaborating to discuss the best ways to invest research dollars to advance the soybean system through new uses, increased demand or new technologies to help producers,” says Brent Swart, Iowa Soybean Association District 1 director and farmer near Clear Lake. 

But what is the future of aquaculture, renewable diesel, plant protein, and technology? What role do farmers play in these spaces? What’s the role of industry or state associations, such as ISA?  

Watch for future articles that will break down these topics and further explore opportunities. 

Bethany Baratta is the editor of the Iowa Soybean Review. Contact her at 

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Published: Oct 3, 2022