Farmer Q&A Videos

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Aug 2021

Soybean Cyst Nematode (SCN) has been found in fields throughout the country. SCN infests soil and reduces soybean yields by feeding on plant roots.  Research is helping farmers protect against this pest through management practices, breeding for resistance and more. These checkoff-funded tools, resources and research projects support effective SCN management to protect soybean yield potential.

Jul 2021

Advances in technology provide opportunities for farmers to maximize on-farm productivity, efficiency and sustainability. On-farm technology and tools have show great potential to increase profitability. Research is helping farmers understand how to apply information technology, internet-connected equipment, management software and other innovations to their operations. These checkoff-funded tools, resources and research projects help capture of the value of ag technology for soybean production.

Jun 2021

Weed competition can dramatically reduce soybean yields. The complexity of weed management is increasing with the combination of innovative herbicide-tolerant soybean systems and the development of herbicide resistance in problem weeds. Research-based best management practices help preserve existing weed control technology. Diversified weed-management plans use multiple herbicide sites of action and practices like cover crops and tillage to control weeds and steward herbicide technology. These checkoff-funded tools, resources and research projects support effective weed management to protect soybean yield.

May 2021

Effective disease management starts with identification, understanding the conditions that cause diseases, and then learning when and how to treat them. Many different soybean diseases impact yield and quality. Cultural practices, genetics, biotechnology and chemical controls all can help farmers manage disease pressure. These checkoff-funded tools, resources and research projects support effective disease control to protect soybean yield and quality.

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