Database Research Summaries
Improving our understanding of stem canker and how to manage it in soybean across the Midwest

calendar_today Year of Research: 2019
update Posted On: 03/05/2019
group Damon Smith, principal investigator, University of Wisconsin
bookmark North Central Soybean Research Program

Research Focus

In 2014, soybean stem canker was frequently observed and mentioned as the second most prevalent disease in the North Central region, behind SDS (NCERA137 reports). Before soybean farmers can effectively manage stem canker, researchers need to understand more about the disease and the causal fungi. This research project will help to increase understanding and importance of diseases such as stem canker caused by Diaporthe species. Results will be communicated with farmers, agribusinesses and other soybean stakeholders.


Diaporthe species that cause diseases, like stem canker or pod and stem blight, are diverse. This project helped capture the diversity of species to better direct breeding efforts.

Researchers determined that chemical products tested in this research do not seem to offer a positive return on investment, when Diaporthe-induced diseases are the main goal of control. This means that resistant varieties of soybean will continue to be the primary basis of management for diseases like stem canker or pod and stem blight.

2019 Annual Report summary


This project will directly benefit soybean farmers in the North Central region by providing them a better understanding of the impact of stem canker, which has seen a dramatic increase in importance the past several years. Project results will allow farmers to more accurately apply the appropriate management techniques to maximize return on investment when trying to control stem canker and other related diseases.

Crop Protection Network

Fact sheets: 

For more information about this research project, please visit the National Soybean Checkoff Research Database.

Funded in part by the soybean checkoff.