Database Research Summaries
2018 Soybean cyst nematode and sudden death syndrome management with Ilevo seed treatment and genetics

calendar_today Year of Research: 2018
update Posted On: 12/04/2019
group Missy Bauer (Principal Investigator, B&M Crop Consulting)
bookmark Michigan Soybean Promotion Committee

Research Focus

The focus of this project is to provide information on the Ilevo seed and determine if it is an economical management tool.


  • Determine if soybean yield and economics can be improved with variety selection of SCN resistance and seeds treatments.
  • Determine if there is a reduction in soybean cyst counts during the season by using genetics and seed treatments.
  • Determine if there is a reduction in the visual observation of SDS with the Ilevo seed treatment.


  1. The seed treatments improved yields across the three locations in both 2017 and 2018.
  2. The Peking variety fungicide/insecticide seed treatment increased yields 2.25 Bu/ac and net returns of $9.88 per acre when average across the two years. The Ilevo treatment added 1.78 Bu/ac increase over the fungicide/insecticide and net returns of $6.44 per acre. The full treatment of Ilevo + fungicide/insecticide increased net on average of $16.32 per acre compared to the nontreated. In the PI88788 variety the fungicide/insecticide seed treatment increased yields 2.60 Bu/ac and net returns of $13.70 per acre when average across the two years. The Ilevo treatment added an additional 3.07 Bu/ac increase over the fungicide/insecticide, which had a net return of $19.33 per acre for the Ilevo portion.
  3. Average Yield Increase Across Locations the 27 increased yields 5.67 Bu/ac with a net return of $33.04 per acre when averaged across the three plot locations compared to the non-treated. When averaging the two varieties together, the best treatment was the Ilevo + fungicide/insecticide with an average yield increase of 4.85 Bu/ac over the non-treated check and a net return of $24.68 per acre.
  4. In summary, Ilevo + fungicide/insecticide seed treatment would be recommended. In Michigan the majority of soybeans sold with SCN resistance have PI88788 not Peking.


This information will help farmers determine if this is a sensible economical option to treat SCN and SDS.

For more information about this research project, please visit the National Soybean Checkoff Research Database.

Funded in part by the soybean checkoff.