Database Research Summaries
2017 Management of Pigweeds in OH Soybean Production

calendar_today Year of Research: 2017
update Posted On: 12/05/2019
group Mark Loux (Principal Investigator, The Ohio State University)
bookmark Ohio Soybean Council

Research Focus

The focus of this project is to prevent Palmer amaranth and waterhemp from being any more of a problem in Ohio than they already are, by providing Ohio soybean growers with information to prevent new infestations and improve management of existing infestations.


  • Maintain an up to date assessment of their prevalence and distribution.
  • Provide print, video, and web resources that facilitate their prevention, identification, and management.
  • Serve as a resource for growers and agronomists.
  • Ensure that growers have accurate information on the resistance characteristics of populations in their operation.
  • Demonstrate the appropriate management strategies for waterhemp in current and emerging soybean technologies.


  1. The survey results and information on our current Palmer amaranth and waterhemp distribution and abundance were included in presentations made available to OSU Extension educators for use in pesticide applicator and other training.
  2. Mark Loux and Bruce Ackley developed a folder of information that is being provided by OSU Extension educators to clientele at pesticide recertification and local agronomy meetings this winter. We made 8000 folders available for distribution.
  3. New fact sheets developed for this purpose – stewardship of dicamba in Xtend soybeans and a completely revised marestail control fact sheet, guide to identification of Ohio pigweed species, and a fact sheet that summarizes the nature of the palmer amaranth problem, with an emphasis on guidelines for prevention of new infestations.
  4. The folders also included updated fact sheets on management of LibertyLink soybeans and Palmer amaranth in Ohio overview, an updated herbicide site of action chart, an amaranth identification fact sheet, and a USB Take Action fact sheet on waterhemp control in soybeans.


  • Identify new species of glyphosate-resistant weeds as soon after they occur as possible.
  • This research provides new management recommendations that are available via the weed control guide, videos, fact sheets, and newsletter articles.

For more information about this research project, please visit the National Soybean Checkoff Research Database.

Funded in part by the soybean checkoff.