Research HighlightsNew Field Guide on Stinkbugs in the North Central Region

by Amy Raudenbush, Andy Michel andKelley Tilmon, field crop entomologists, Ohio State University
A number of stink bug species can be found on soybean in the North Central region. Both the adult stink bugs and nymphs feed on soybean pods and seeds. Stink bug feeding can cause economic loss from the R3 stage (when seeds begin to develop) to the R6 stage (seeds are fully formed).
A new field guide is available to assist soybean growers and scouts identify and monitor stink bugs and their damage. Although stink bugs can be many different colors and variable sizes, adult stink bugs have a classic shield-shaped body that helps with identification.
The field guide describes the nine species of stink bugs commonly encountered in the midwest: Brown stink bug, Brown marmorated stink bug, Dusky stink bug, Green stink bug, Onespotted stink bug, Redshouldered stink bug, Rice stink bug, Say stink bug, Twice stabbed stink bug.
In addition, two beneficial stink bugs may be encountered: the Spined shouldered stink bug and the Twospotted stink bug. These stink bugs are predators of crop pests and should not be included in calculations for monitoring and treatment.
View Stink Bugs on Soybean in the North Central Region. Your state soybean checkoff association will have print copies for free distribution towards the end of December 2017.
For a detailed review of stink bug biology and management, see the publication Identification, Biology, Impacts, and Management of Stink Bugs of Soybean and Corn in the Midwestern United States, in the Journal of Integrated Pest Management, 2017.
Published: Dec 12, 2017