Research HighlightsLeveraging checkoff funds

By Jenny Watz, Indiana Soybean Alliance
The North Central Soybean Research Program (NCSRP) held its summer meeting in Wooster, Ohio in August to review, rank, and fund research proposals that have potential to increase the profitability of soybean farmers. Established in 1992 by state soybean checkoffs in the Midwest, NCSRP aims to leverage research dollars to maximize benefits for farmers within its member states and througout the United States.
The Indiana Soybean Alliance (ISA) has been involved with NCSRP since its inception, and is currently one of 12 Midwest states that participates in this collaborative research effort. Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin also participate.
NCSRP’s goal is to maximize returns by coordinating regional research efforts that address the needs of soybean farmers in these states, and create synergy that eliminates duplication of efforts and improves profitability. The combined state checkoff funds also fund extension and outreach efforts along with communications that benefit soybean farmers. With multiple states and universities working on issues, more research can be done to increase soybean grower productivity and improve environmental stewardship.
During this year’s meeting, the NCSRP board of directors visited some research plots and met with researchers at the Ohio Ag Research and Development Center to get updates on their projects. The board reviewed research project proposals and funded over $2.9 million in research projects for fiscal year 2020. The research projects must address one of the following areas:
- Soybean yield enhancement through classical and molecular breeding to increase genetic yield potential and yield stability via gene discovery and germplasm development
- Basic and applied research directed at soybean disease, nematode, insect pest and abiotic stress biology, management and yield loss mitigation
- Management of weeds and weed resistance to herbicides for species of common occurrence and threat across the North Central region
- Soybean production practices, crop management, and conservation through on-farm research for increased yields and profitability in an environmentally sustainable manner
The NCSRP board meets three times per year: in December, in February during Commodity Classic, and in August hosted by a member state. For more information, visit or www.
Funds granted through this program are checkoff funds contributed to Qualified State Soybean Boards pursuant to the Soybean Promotion, Research and Consumer Information Act, 7 U.S.C. 6304 (1) (4). Work performed under this Agreement will be performed in accordance with the Soybean Promotion, Research and Consumer Information Act and the Soybean Promotion and Research Order, 7 CFR Part 1220.
Published: Jan 1, 1970