Farmer Q&A Videos
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How do you use ag technology?
Established and emerging technology helps maximize on-farm productivity, efficiency, profitability and sustainability. Farmers, researchers and others in the soybean industry rely on innovative ag technology in a variety of ways — including the following examples.
What factors impact your soybean variety selection?
Farmers consider a wide range of characteristics and rely on many information sources when choosing soybean varieties. Check out what influences that decision-making process for farmers and others.
How do cover crops fit into soybean production?
Cover crops are a key component in managing soil health. Farmers, researchers and soybean industry stakeholders discuss the logistics, benefits and challenges to incorporating cover crops into a system.
What practices help address disease pressure?
Many different diseases impact soybean yield and quality. Cultural practices, genetics, biotechnology and chemical controls all can help manage disease pressure. Farmers, researchers and others explain ways they deal with soybean diseases.
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