Farmer Q&A Videos
Review previous #SoySnippets Q&A topic videos or catch up on a topic that you may have missed.
How are you addressing nematode pressure?
Nematode species, including soybean cyst nematode, infest fields and reduce soybean yields. Farmers, researchers and other members of the soybean industry explain management practices and research to address this challenge.
How does research influence soybean planting practices?
Many factors at planting influence soybean yield potential, including timing, planting date, spacing, soil conditions and more. Farmers, researchers and others share how different planting practices are implemented based on production research.
How are you addressing challenges with water availability or quality?
Too much or too little water creates challenges for soils and soybeans. Farmers, researchers and industry stakeholders discuss managing availability of water to crops and quality of water moving from fields into watersheds.
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