About the Crop Protection Network

About the Crop Protection Network

Growing Together

The Crop Protection Network (CPN) is a multi-state and international collaboration of university and provincial extension specialists, public, and private professionals dedicated to providing unbiased, research-based information to farmers and agricultural personnel. The CPN supports our communities through the implementation of online tools for crop scouts and researchers, regularly publishing impactful content, developing continuing education opportunities, and creating a network of over 350 specialists from 40 U.S. states and Ontario, Canada.

Through its collaborative efforts, CPN has effectively improved the resilience and sustainability of crop management, benefiting farmers, agribusinesses, and educators alike. By disseminating new publications, research, and accessible media, CPN has contributed to more informed decision-making in crop protection, particularly in alfalfa, corn, cotton, small grains, and soybeans.

CPN’s impact is evident in the high levels of engagement from a variety of stakeholders. Its website and social media platforms attract tens of thousands of users, page views, and followers. CPN remains committed to educating crop professionals, delivering thousands of Certified Crop Advisor Continuing Education Units each year. Additionally, CPN’s success with its podcast series, webinars, and partnerships with other organizations has expanded its reach and influence in the field.

As CPN continues to evolve and grow, it remains an indispensable resource for the agricultural sector, contributing to more resilient and sustainable farming practices. The collaborative spirit and dedication of its members reflect their shared commitment to the vitality of crop protection and the prosperity of the farming community. Learn more about the Crop Protection Network’s impacts by clicking here.


The Crop Protection Network (CPN) is a dynamic organization committed to advancing crop disease and pest management research and supporting the dissemination of new information to farmers, industry professionals, and the agriculture community at large. CPN has contributed to the agricultural landscape in the U.S. and Canada through various activities and initiatives, including:

Knowledge sharing: CPN maintains, expands, and shares unbiased information, expertise, and best practices among farmers, agricultural professionals, researchers, and other stakeholders within the agricultural sector. 

Publication and resource expansion: CPN provides research-based information to help farmers and others responsible for pest management decisions respond to emerging and existing issues. CPN maintains a user-friendly website that offers a wealth of resources, tools, and publications on a variety of crop diseases and pest management topics.

Podcasting and multimedia: CPN offers a variety of multimedia resources, including CPN TV, webinars, and podcasts, to deliver educational content to a broad audience.

Community Engagement: CPN actively participates in key agricultural conferences and fosters connections, knowledge sharing, and collaboration with industry professionals and experts.

For more information, visit the Crop Protection Network Website https://cropprotectionnetwork.org/ or reach out to us at info@cropprotectionnetwork.org